More than 250,000 people took part in a protest against public sector cuts last March. Photograph: Felix Clay
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Today's top SocietyGuardian stories
• Osborne's austerity drive cut 270,000 public sector jobs last year
• Tory and Lib Dem councils more likely to cut youth services, study shows
• Care homes struggling to meet needs of elderly people, RCN warns
• Councils face scorecards in adoption overhaul
• Ed Miliband joins Ken Livingstone on London mayoral campaign trail
• Tenants bear the brunt of economic downturn
• Commons revolt against NHS reforms defeated
• Elected mayors: Birmingham ponders whether it wants a Brummie Boris
• Anti-abortion activism escalating, warns clinic targeted by vigil
• Michael Heseltine is given the Freedom of Liverpool
All today's SocietyGuardian stories
In today's SocietyGuardian section
• More support is needed for the families of addicts
• Disabled people's magazine taps a 'niche for positivity'
• How long before private firms police the streets?
• Social change can be the best contraception
• Artists' challenge to stop and search
• How should government contracts be policed?
• Westminster's new leader hits back at 'social cleansing' accusations
On the Guardian Professional Networks
• Social media in Whitehall: it's inevitable mistakes will be made
• Are charities right to oppose Richard Desmond's Health Lottery, asks Cathy Sullivan
• How to get ahead in ... diabetes specialist nursing
• What can we learn from the diverse social care market, asks David Behan
• Public sector spin-outs offer more than just savings, writes Craig Dearden-Phillips
• Jeremy Kuper warns that forcing housing benefit claimants under 35 to share a house leaves vulnerable tenants at risk
• SCA's Matt Jarrett says that the climate is right for social enterprises to deliver more and more dental services
On my radar ...
• World Social Work Day, which takes place next week. We've a package of features online today, including Joan Rapaport warning that the role appears to be steadily diminishing, and Bristol social worker Ben Crang explaining why he took part in the BBC's landmark Protecting our Children fly-on-the-wall documentary series. The Social care network is looking for nominations for a star social work team deserving a cake-shaped treat to mark the day, and the network will have more coverage on the day itself, 20 March.
• The future of social care , which is being debated at an Local Government Association event today, with the provocative title "Social care is an embarrassment" – Can we salvage anything from the current system? The debate, chaired by the Guardian's Polly Toynbee, coincides with publication of an LGA report setting out how it thinks the system should be reformed.
• Jim Mansell, the country's leading authority on learning disability, who has died after a long illness. Mansell, founder of the University of Kent's Tizard Centre, which specialises in intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism studies, was awarded a CBE in the new year's honours list. Tributes are being paid to him on the forum, and Learning Disability Wales tweeted this morning:
Wouldn't it be great if we can get #thankyoujim trending to pay our respects to Professor Jim Mansell?
The Guardian's public services editor, David Brindle, wrote earlier this year, as Mansell prepared to receive his honour:
Speaking truth to power, often bluntly, has been a constant throughout Mansell's career. Last year, he had no compunction about speaking out over revelations of abuse of people with learning disabilities at Winterbourne View, near Bristol, one of the private hospitals that critics see as recreating long-stay institutions. Writing in the Guardian, Mansell said: "The real solution … is to stop using these kinds of places altogether."
• Jonathan Yeo, Gillian Wearing, Antony Gormley and Tracey Emin, who are among artists who have created new works for the Crisis Commission exhibition , which aims to raise awareness and money for homeless charity Crisis. The exhibition opens today at Somerset House, London, and an auction is planned at Christie's on 3 May 2012. In this Guardian gallery, the artists discuss their works.
Other news
• BBC: Three towns win city status for Diamond Jubilee
• Children & Young People Now: Nutbrown brands childcare courses poor quality
• Community Care: Social worker suspended for misleading employers
• Independent: Health warning to shisha smokers
• Inside Housing: Pressure group to protest outside Shapps' office
• Public Finance: Foundation trusts 7.5% short of savings target
• Telegraph: Child benefit cuts: 351,000 stay-at-home middle class mothers could lose some of their state pension
• Third Sector: Gift Aid declarations will have to change by the end of the year
Events and seminars
Digital communications and campaigning for charities
Thursday 19 April, Kings Cross, London
This half-day seminar will enable you plan, implement and manage your online campaign to maximum effect. It will give you practical advise on how to get the most out of popular social media websites as well as help you define your target audience. This event is a must for anyone needing to plan a campaign to create relationships with supporters to champion your long-term aims.
Local Government Leaders Quarterly
19 April 2012, Kings Place, Kings Cross, London
This series of evening events has been designed to help public leaders discuss the key issues facing local authorities as they struggle to manage punishing funding cuts while spearheading a revolution in public service delivery. The event, consisting of a debate followed by round table discussion groups, will offer a forum to share problems and find solutions with your council peers.
Places are free but limited and available by application only.
SocietyGuardian blogs
Patrick Butler's cuts blog
Sarah Boseley's global health blog
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SocietyGuardian editor: Alison Benjamin
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