Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Arianna Huffington: As the seemingly endless GOP nomination fight grinds on, it's becoming clearer who President Obama's most formidable opponent is likely to be: himself. Sometimes a long, hard-fought primary is good for a party, forcing the candidates to become stronger, better, and more responsive to the electorate. And sometimes a long, hard-fought primary is bad for a party. Like this year's GOP race. It's not surprising that on Intrade the chances of President Obama getting reelected currently stand at around 60 percent, and that crack prognosticator Nate Silver has also listed President Obama "as about a 60 percent favorite" against Mitt Romney. And that was in mid-February, before the GOP's bizarre equation of religious liberty with curtailing access to contraception. So for me this election now has two tracks: 1) Obama vs. the GOP nominee; and 2) Obama vs. Obama. BLOG POSTS | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |